Online data connection with accounting or financial softwares
Számlá can send all data of outgoing invoices and incoming invoices issued in the Számlá system for you to an accounting or other financial programme. With that function you do not have to take invoice information on papers to your accountant manually or download data files that your accountant must load to his/her system afterwards – they are transferred to the online accounting system immediately and automatically.
After logging in, you can activate the online data connection in the menu item Settings/Account settings/Online financial data connection.
We can hand over the following types of documents to the receiving system:
- Outgoing invoices
- Incoming invoices
- Reverse invoices
- Prepayment invoices
- Final invoices
- Proforma invoices
- Delivery notes
- Bank transactions
- Receipt data
Any time there is a change in the status of an invoice, the data are sent to the receiving system (first or repeatedly). The changes that can be set on the data sheet of the invoice are the following:
- Issuing the invoice
- Changing the payment status of the invoice
- Changes to account details that can be modified later, namely:
- Date of accounting
- Customer general ledger number
- Customer general ledger identifier
- Revenue or VAT general ledger number for any invoice item
- Economic event or VAT economic event for any invoice item
Advantages of the solution
More accurate debt management: it is enough to identify and match payments and bank transfers once in the Számlá system, so that the monitoring of receivables in your accounting system will always be up-to-date.
Faster administration: you can see your outgoing invoices and payments in your online accounting system within a few minutes of the issue.
You save time: you need to consult with your accountant less, since all records show the same thing.
Online data connection is available with the following systems:
- SMARTBooks
- Acounto
- Adriana Accounting
- Cadren
- CashBook (RLB)
- Eniac Computing
- Hepp Könyvelő Cégcsoport
- Kontiroll
- Konto Online
- Nagy Machinátor
- NetAccounting
- Novitax NTAX
- Novitax TAXA
- Péntech
- Távügyviteli Kft.
How can I be sure that the transfer of data is secure?